Observations From Stockholm Sweden

So I have now visited 3 Scandinavian countries, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Sweden happens to be my most recent trip, and I want to share some observations about the capital city of Stockholm.

Everyone is very attractive. Looks are subjective. But I think Swedish people are so attractive! It doesn’t matter how tall, short, thick, or thin they are. Even the old people are attractive!

They speak fluent English. Like the rest of Scandinavia, everybody in Sweden speaks fluent English. It is interesting when I listen to how perfect their accent is. They sound slightly American but they speak the British version of English. I also find it fascinating how there are similarities between the Swedish and English languages. For example, you can greet somebody with “hey” in both Swedish and English. There were so many Swedish words I read and understood because they were similar to English.

Places don’t accept cash payments. Many places in Stockholm do not accept cash and only accept card payments. This was inconvenient because I like to use cash payments when I travel abroad. It helps me to familiarise myself with the currency. It also helps me to avoid overspending because I can physically see how much is remaining.

They can handle the weather. The Swedish can handle sub-zero weather conditions. It was -7 degrees Celsius on my first day there. I saw people out jogging in leggings and long-sleeved tops. I know that exercise warms you up but it was -7! the lakes had turned to ice and it was snowing. I guess your body adapts to the climate that you grow up in.

It is very expensive. The city is quite expensive…just like the rest of Scandinavia. A pint of beer costs the equivalent of £10. A meal out for one will cost roughly £30, and that is just for the main course and one drink. So yes it is very expensive but it could be worse. I found Norway to be a lot more expensive in terms of price.

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