Parading Around Prague

I went on a 3 day trip to Prague, Czech Republic. It was an interesting trip and didn’t turn out to be what I expected. I enjoyed the city but it did not “wow” me in the way that everybody describes. I guess it has become quite commercialised due to the rapid increase in tourism. On day 1 I met a solo traveller from Canada and he said the same thing. He said that he had already been there for 3 days and felt bored already. But as I always say, everyone experiences destinations differently. People have different personalities, interests, and expectations which is going to affect their opinion on a destination.

Day 1

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The first thing I did after checking into my hotel was eat a Trdelník. It’s popular in countries like Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Romania. Unfortunately, I was given a rock hard old one so I threw it away after a couple of bites. That was my fault though because I usually research every food place before eating there. This time I just walked into the first “tourist trap” place in the city centre.

Anyway, after that, I went to Charles Bridge which was very crowded but nice to walk across. Then I went to The Beer Museum and didn’t realise that you get 4 free beers with your ticket. I was sh*ting my pants when I saw the beers were full-sized. I’m not a fan of beer…and I don’t like to drink much when travelling solo (for safety reasons). So I ended up sitting with the beers for 2 hours and finished 3 of them. Then I went straight back to my hotel for 2 hours to nap and sober up before heading out to dinner. This was going to be my first time trying Hovězí Guláš. I’d never tried breaded dumplings before. They are VERY filling so I only ate half of them.

Day 2

On day 2 I decided to get up very early at 7am and left my hotel at 7.45am to go and see Charles Bridge again. This time it was almost empty! It was very peaceful and I enjoyed soaking in the atmosphere and watching the river. The left photo is from the lovely Charles Bridge. I took a short walk to the John Lennon Wall afterwards. There were love locks all over a gate near the wall which I decided to snap a photo of. This day was full of walking because after this, I took a 30-minute walk to Prague Castle. Then I went back to the old town square where I found a souvenir market nearby.

Day 3

On my third and final day, I decided to meet up with the Canadian solo traveller who I had initially met on the first day of my trip. We met in the morning and decided to go to Vyšehrad, which is a historic fort. We got on a bus and it took roughly 20 minutes to get there. There wasn’t any other tourists there so I’m guessing it’s a “hidden gem”. The first picture shows the colourful door of a church, and the second shows the view from the top of Vyšehrad. After we had finished seeing the fort, we took a bus back to the centre of Prague and decided to go to a traditional Czech restaurant for lunch. My Canadian buddy ordered pork knuckle, and I ate smažený sýr (fried cheese) which tasted good!

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