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The Downside of Solo Travel

Solo travel is an amazing experience that can enrich your life in many ways. I love it and always try to encourage people to try this at least once in their life. But I also don’t believe in glossing over the negatives, so in this post I will be honest in sharing my opinion on the...

Porto Almada Music Apartment Review

Can you believe that renting a whole apartment in Porto was cheaper than staying in a hotel? I found Almada music on whilst browsing for a place to stay for my recent trip to Porto. It is a quirky studio apartment in the city centre with music-themed decor. In this post, I...

20 Things to eat in Portugal

After 3 trips to Portugal and a visit to 8 towns, I officially feel qualified to provide some information on Portuguese food. Let me be honest…I haven’t tried every single thing on this list but I have eaten the majority. Portuguese cuisine is very heavy in red meat, fish, and...

Things to do in Porto Portugal

After spending a lot of time in central Portugal, I figured it was time to try a different region of the country. Also…England is ice cold in February so I needed some winter sun for my birthday. I was surprised to find it was sunny and warm enough to wear a t-shirt if you wanted to...

Food to eat in Thailand

Most of my time spent in Thailand involved volunteering as an English Teacher. I did have a few days in Bangkok to be a tourist before my programme started. The majority of these photos were taken during this time. Keep reading for some inspiration on food to eat in Thailand…...

Istanbul Travel Tips

Four days in Istanbul was enough time for me to gather some advice for future trips to this beautiful city. Overall, I felt safe as a solo traveller and enjoyed the fact that many attractions are clustered together in one area. If you’re thinking about a trip to...

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